Molly and Mojo
Address: 64 St Paul West #513
Alarm Code: No.
Mum: Janice: 514 983-6962
Vet: Cote St Luc Vet clinic Dr Kalin 514-489-6845
Usual Walking time: Between 2 and 4pm.
B- Molly (F): Lab mix Mojo (F): Yellow Lab
A- Molly: 11 years. Birth date: Christmas Day Mojo: 12 years. Sept 1st Bring them gifts of treats.
Leashes are in small chest on floor of foyer. Towels are either there or in small bathroom down the stairs on left. Post-walk treats on top shelf of foyer closets.
Water bowl is in big bathroom down stairs and to right off the bedroom. Dogs will be in this bathroom upon arrival if Janice is not home, and are to be put back in bathroom upon return.
Additional Notes: Both girls are excellent walkers, but Mojo has some arthritis and joint problems, so best to go at her pace. Sometimes she gets tired and lies down. Let her be for a few minutes, and then coax her up.
To leave the building, press RC in elevator and then let Molly lead the way. To get back in to the building, wave key fob at activator at 301 St Sulpice, which is the street to the side of the building, perpendicular to St Paul. Molly will lead the way home!