Onion and Pickles and Monty the Fish (Jessica)
Address: 501 rue rielle, apt 2
Alarm code: No
Vet: Hôpital Vétérinaire Verdun: 5650, rue de Verdun, Verdun: # 514 762 4300
B- Female, 14 yr, tortoise shell (Nov 2013)
Medical: No medical issues
B- female, Black, 9 yr. (Nov 2013)
Medical: No medical issues
Food:1 spoonful of wet each and 2 scoops of dry each
Water: 3 bowls in the kitchen, 1 in living room
Litter: 1 litter in the laundry room, 2 in the closet next to kitchen
Plants: Water plants when dry, no special plants. Plants in living room, office and bedroom.
Key: Hold onto key.
Toys: There's a box of toys
Monty, a Beta fish. Check in with Bryan or Samantha if there's a need to change water, do not change the water without checking with them!
Food: Two pellets a day.
Additional info:
Be careful when entering the apartment, Onion may try to dart through the front door.