Beauty (Belinda)
Albert (Mariana)
Bobo and Cléo (Marie-Claude)
Eephus and Tink ( Jay)
Furry Fivesome (Cynthia and Rae)
Dexter (Cristel)
Gella ( Vladimir)
Donna (Caroline)
Herschel (Corey)
Kahlo (Leigh)
Maya ( Rozanna)
Meenou, Mini-chat and Guineas (Antoine and Claire)
Meisje "my-shia" (Selena and Frank)
Molly and Mojo
Minou and Destroyer ( Tricia and Pierre)
Ninette (Sylvain)
Noami (Jen and Matthieu)
Onion and Pickles and Monty the Fish (Jessica)
Paco ( Ignacio)
Ralphie and Ollie (Lauren and Travis)